Remember, Texting and Driving is Against the Law in Indiana
It has now been 8 months since the law banning texting while driving went into effect in Indiana. In case the threat of a police car’s lights in your rear view mirror is not enough to convince you, here are a few facts about why no one should text and drive. According to a study published in Car and Driver, June 2009, a driver’s reaction time while texting is 2 to 3 times longer than when they are DRUNK! If you are going 35 mph that increased reaction time could put you over 160 feet further down the road. At 70 mph it would be close to 300 feet and that kind of distance at either speed could certainly cost people their lives. Both socially and legally, drunk driving is completely unacceptable. Texting, on the other hand, is still in its formative period. Hopefully in Indiana people are starting to change that view. Just a friendly reminder from the folks here at Jiffy Lube. And to say thanks for reading, here is a full page of printable coupons for money off your next Jiffy Lube service. At Jiffy Lube we care!