Monday, December 21, 2015

Changing Your Wiper Blades

There’s a saying, “You can’t get where you’re going, if you can’t see where you’re going.” Nothing could be truer, especially when it comes to your windshield wiper blades.

An industry rule of thumb is to replace your wiper blades every six months, or whenever you notice a reduction in visibility. However, even if you recently replaced your wiper blades, the approaching of winter months is one of the best times to inspect those blades.

 Wiper blades function when they are able to make good contact with the surface of your windshield. Several things can cause this contact to deteriorate. Check your blades today for these signs and catch a problem before it starts.

·       Inspect the rubber squeegee edges for cracks, tears, or rounded edges
·       Wiggle the squeegee edge to ensure it is still flexible
·       Check the metal frame for corrosion or any loose joint connections
·       Make sure the rubber edge in firmly attached to the metal frame
·       If there is a wiper blade on your back window, don’t forget to check there as well

Wiper blades are relatively inexpensive, when compared to other vehicle parts. So when it doubt, change them now. Or stop by your local Indiana Jiffy Lube, and our Certified Technicians will evaluate your wiper blade needs.

Cold temperatures can be tough on vehicles. Jiffy Lube Indiana is your one-stop-shop to prepare your vehicle for all the demands of winter weather. Our technicians are happy to evaluate the areas of your vehicle that may need preventative maintenance. Our SignatureService Oil Change, includes checking the fluids, belts, hoses, filters, and other vital parts of your vehicle needed to keep you and your family safe on the road.

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